Wednesday, July 23, 2008

ISB hails F.O.E..

Photographer: Gopinath
Location: ISB, Hyderabad Date: 23 May, 2008

If it was fun and frolic for participants when they visited the Indian School of Business (ISB) in Hyderabad as part of the Freedom of Expression project, it was a learning of sorts and a stress-buster for the management students in ISB. The team at ISB not only recieved the F.O.E team well, but also provided participants with high-end cameras and gave necessary instructions to use them. Children, who were until then using Nikon D CoolPix [8 mega pix] cameras, were mystified with what ISB had - 300 and 700 meters zoom lens - and competed among themselves to get hold of the lens.

Follow the link to read on what students at the ISB had to say about F.O.E and the participants:

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